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is nothing quite like a family gathering, especially when there is food—and
lots of it—involved! This was always the case whenever my family came
together and even now it seems we always gather around tables brimming and
running over with all kinds of wonderful things to eat.
I was a boy, however, these family suppers were extra special. They
always occurred during the month of August because that was the month in which
my grandfather was born. My birthday also happened to be in August, so I felt
as if, in some small fashion, these family reunions celebrated my birthday as
well. In fact, several members of our family have birthdays in August, so
it just seemed natural to come together at this time to celebrate.
used a large garage to set up large tables that would hold all the food my
aunts and uncles would bring. Everyone had a specialty from fried fish to
fried chicken to chicken and dumplings to cubed steak and pinto beans to
macaroni and cheese to, well you get the picture. Then there was dessert,
an entire table full of pies, cakes, cookies, and anything else you can
imagine. Now although the food was wonderful, the thing I most remember
about those suppers was the laughter and the stories that were told all during
the meal and well after it was over. I can still hear those voices and
see those scenes as if they happened only yesterday. I always was filled
with a sense of happiness and contentment whenever our family came together for
should come as no surprise to us that God wants His people to rejoice in the
blessings He gives them and to enjoy the fruits of
His provision. This is exactly the picture we see in Nehemiah
“Then all the
people went away to eat and drink, to send portions of food and to celebrate
with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known
to them.”
This passage of scripture is taken from Nehemiah’s account of the
rebuilding of Jerusalem’s
walls. After completing the walls, the people listened to
the words of the Book of the Law. As they listened,
the Levis, the
priests, explained to the
people the meaning of the Law and how they were to
apply it to their lives. The priests informed the
people to rejoice and not be grieved. They were to
be happy, to celebrate God’s goodness and to enjoy the blessings of being His
people. As the people understood what had been
written in the law, they began to celebrate with great joy simply
because they understood the words they had heard.
Oh, that we would follow the example of the people of Nehemiah’s
day!! Hearing God’s word is one thing but understanding it and making it
a part of our lives is completely another. The people rejoiced because
they understood God’s word and obeyed it. We must come to understand that
God’s word is all that we need to be satisfied. We don’t need another
program, we don’t need another strategy, and we don’t
need anything else besides God’s word. If we hear it, listen to it,
understand it, and obey it, we will find that it brings joy to our hearts and
peace to our souls.
The family suppers I enjoyed when I was smaller provided me with
everything I could hope for as a child. Yes, there was food—and lots of
it—but there was also a wonderful sense of security and peace. I knew
that as long as I was with my family, everything would be all right.
Whatever I needed was provided and the love and contentment I felt there have
remained with me to this day. If those family suppers made such an
indelible mark on my life, just
imagine how much more wonderful God’s word is in the life of the believer.
Are you ready to attend a family supper with God today?
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