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happens every Wednesday evening promptly at 6:00 p.m. No matter where I
am in the house, or even if I am not at home, the weather radio in my living
room sounds and alarm followed by an explanation that the weather service is
conducting its weekly test to make sure everything is in working order. I
have grown accustomed to the sound and sometimes, unless I am really listening
for it, I miss the test altogether.
weekend, however, the alarm sounded on at least three occasions as severe
thunderstorms passed through our area bringing with them much-needed rain but
unwanted wind and hail. Early Saturday morning, at approximately 2:00
a.m. the alarm sounded. It pierced the silence and set my nerves somewhat on
edge. A few of the surrounding counties were being warned of severe
weather in the area. My county was mentioned and the voice coming over
the airwaves indicated that heavy rain and light hail would be in our area
within the half hour.
if on cue, thirty minutes later the wind grew stronger, the rain fell in
torrents, and the clicking sound of ice pellets against my window indicated
that hail had also joined the party. The
alert instructed us to remain in our houses and if conditions worsened, to seek
shelter in the center of the house away from windows. The wind did not
grow that strong and the entire storm passed by in just under forty-five
in Texas, the weather is very uncertain. It can be gorgeous one minute
and life-threatening the next, you‘re just never sure what the next fifteen
minutes will hold weather wise. That’s why I invested in a weather radio
so I could be aware of any potential weather threats and could take appropriate
action in order to remain safe and sound.
prophet Ezekiel knew about sounding the alarm in order to alert people to God’s
will and commands. He understood that God had called him to serve as a
watchman and to make sure the Children of Israel understood the dangers that
surrounded them and the need to heed God’s warning.
In Ezekiel
3:17 we
read God’s conversation with Ezekiel, “Son
of man, I have made you a watchman for
the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.”
Ezekiel’s role was clear. He was to serve as God’s spokesman, to make
sure the people of his day understood God’s directives and commands and to
communicate them so the people could live in obedience with God’s commands.
what does this have to do with us today? Actually, it has a lot to do
with us. As Christians, we are to set an example for those around
us. We are to share the good news of Jesus Christ on a daily basis, not
only by what we say but also by what we do. People looked to Ezekiel, to
the watchman, for God’s direction. And today, people
look at us to see if we are consistently following God and serving as an
example for him. Are you
serving as a good watchman on the wall of life today?
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