Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Encouraging Thoughts

ave you ever felt that God had placed an undue burden on you? Do you ever wonder if he has forgotten just how frail you really are? Do you feel like Atlas, carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders with no one to help or even to care? Then does the word of God have something for you to think about today!!!!

The book of Job is not one of those books you go to for immediate comfort. It is a book of suffering, of the trials of a man who had done nothing to deserve his fate and who seemingly was singled out by God to be picked on! But there are several things in this story that we need to see.

1.     God asks Satan if he has considered Job's righteousness. Notice that God himself testifies to Job's righteousness. What would God say about you or me?

2.     Every time Satan suggests that Job will curse God to his face, God says "No, he won't.” God had great faith in Job. Therefore, it wasn't Job's faith in God that held him, but God's faith in Job. God trusted him with these adverse circumstances. What can God entrust to me and you? Are we trustworthy in his eyes to remain faithful in the circumstances into which he places us?

3.     Job said that God knew the way he was taking and that when God had tested him he would come forth as gold. This is the statement of a mature believer who recognizes God's promise never to leave nor forsake his children. Statements like this one look forward to God's reward at the end of trials and seek to learn lessons during them.

4.     The end of Job was better than his beginning. This is always God's way. He never does anything to diminish us, but is always at work to improve us. Romans 8:28 tells us this plainly. The scripture says "that all things work together for good" it DOES NOT SAY everything is good!!

It is my prayer today for you that you let God speak to you in your circumstances. He is there with you. The very hairs of your head are numbered and if he knows when sparrows fall, then he knows the way you take today as well.

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