Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How Will I Know?

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Today's Title: How Will I Know?
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:12

“This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” God never sends us crossed signals. He is not the God of confusion as we said yesterday.  This can be readily seen in the angel’s message to the shepherds.  They were looking for a specific child, dressed in a specific way, lying in a specific location.

God’s instructions are always specific.  Even Abraham, who was told to leave his home and travel to a country God would show him, had specific instructions.  Although God did not tell him exactly where he was going, His instructions were very specific.  In Genesis 12 we see that God told Abraham to leave his country, his people, and his family and to go to the place God would show him.

Moses was given specific instructions on how to construct the Tabernacle in the wilderness.  Noah was given specific instructions on building the ark. The list could go on and on.   One thing, however, is certain.  When God communicates His will and message to man, there is no confusion, only clarity and specifics coupled with the assurance that God will assure that His plans are carried out to the letter.

Today, if you are wondering what God is doing; if you find yourself trying to make sense of the confusion around you, stop!  Be still and know that the Lord is God.  He is not in the business of confusing you but He is continually working to bring the purpose He has for you into focus when the time is right.

The shepherds in that field received exact instructions on how to find the infant messiah and they found him just as the angel had said.  The voice of God cuts through the chaotic chatter of this world.  It resonates within the heart of the believer and always points the way God has chosen.  Are you listening intently for God’s voice today?

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