Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Do You See What I See?

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Today's Title: Do You See What I See?
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:9a

So the shepherds are in the fields with their sheep and it is dark outside.  There are no street lights. No glaring headlights from the nearby Interstate reflect on them, and the lights of the city are far away.  The shepherds are gathered around the glow of their fire, talking of the day’s events, sharing 
their hopes and dreams and frustrations with each other, preparing to face the long, dark night ahead.

But in a flash, everything changes.  In Luke 2:9a we read these few words, “An angel of the Lord appeared to them…”  There in the darkness, in the remoteness of those fields, God sent his messenger to share the good news of Christ’s birth. I’m sure the shepherds wondered what was going on and if they were seeing things.  I imagine none of them spoke, afraid the others may not be seeing this strange site and afraid to mention it for fear of being accused of hallucinating or worse!

And yet, all of them did see it.  The darkness around them suddenly grew bright and God shared with them the wonderful news that his promise had been fulfilled.  This is just like God, isn’t it?  When we think we have been forgotten, when the darkness is all around us, when we feel abandoned or rejected, just at the proper time God shows up.  Everything takes on a different look as God reveals to us the wonderful promises and plans he has for us.

Although on the fringes of man’s society, the shepherds were squarely in the center of God’s plan.  He knew where they were and he knew that they, above all others, would take his message to heart, accept his invitation to see the Messiah, and spread the good news to all they met along the way.

This is what God still looks for today.  Will you accept his invitation to come to Christ?  Will you respond to him with the heart of a shepherd? Remember, it is in the dark that God’s presence is felt the most.  Is it dark where you are today? 

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