Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Let's Go!

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Tuesday, December 31, 2014
Today's Title: Let's Go!
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:12

If someone wrote you a check for a million dollars, if, suddenly, you came into money that allowed you to pay off all your existing debt, or if your boss walked in and gave you a 50% raise, what would you do?  Probably the first thing you’d do after you picked yourself up off the floor would be to call someone, your best friend or a family member, and tell them what had just happened.  There is something infectious about good news.  We get it and we want to infect everyone else with it.  The shepherds outside of Bethlehem were no exception!

In Luke 2: 15, we read: “When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” Notice the first two words the shepherds say to one another, “Let’s go.”  After hearing the good news about the birth of Christ, they can’t stay where they are.  They have to go and see God’s work and along the way tell everyone what has happened.

This is just a foreshadowing of what Jesus will tell his disciples in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  The story of the Good News only began in Bethlehem.  The shepherds ran to the manger to see Jesus and they made sure everyone knew the story.

Have you ever stopped to think that when we tell others of Jesus, we are following in the footsteps of those shepherds so long ago?  The good news of Jesus Christ is not something that can be kept secret.  It will be evident, not only in our words, but in the way we think, act, speak, and live.  In fact, people will be able to tell far more about us by our actions than by our words.

Wherever you are today, at work, school, shopping, the hospital, visiting a friend, or on vacation, you have the same opportunity as those shepherds.  Are you sharing the good news of Jesus by your words and actions?  Does the good news of his coming and his salvation burn within your heart?  Can you say with the shepherds, “Let’s go”?  I trust you can!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How Will I Know?

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Today's Title: How Will I Know?
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:12

“This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” God never sends us crossed signals. He is not the God of confusion as we said yesterday.  This can be readily seen in the angel’s message to the shepherds.  They were looking for a specific child, dressed in a specific way, lying in a specific location.

God’s instructions are always specific.  Even Abraham, who was told to leave his home and travel to a country God would show him, had specific instructions.  Although God did not tell him exactly where he was going, His instructions were very specific.  In Genesis 12 we see that God told Abraham to leave his country, his people, and his family and to go to the place God would show him.

Moses was given specific instructions on how to construct the Tabernacle in the wilderness.  Noah was given specific instructions on building the ark. The list could go on and on.   One thing, however, is certain.  When God communicates His will and message to man, there is no confusion, only clarity and specifics coupled with the assurance that God will assure that His plans are carried out to the letter.

Today, if you are wondering what God is doing; if you find yourself trying to make sense of the confusion around you, stop!  Be still and know that the Lord is God.  He is not in the business of confusing you but He is continually working to bring the purpose He has for you into focus when the time is right.

The shepherds in that field received exact instructions on how to find the infant messiah and they found him just as the angel had said.  The voice of God cuts through the chaotic chatter of this world.  It resonates within the heart of the believer and always points the way God has chosen.  Are you listening intently for God’s voice today?

Monday, December 29, 2014

No Fear

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Monday, December 29, 2014
Today's Title: No Fear
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:10-11

Several years ago, T-shirts with the words No Fear emblazoned across the front were all the rage. Everyone from infants to adults sported the T-Shirts and the slogan was also plastered on everything from water bottles to jogging shorts.  Wearers of the slogan wanted to communicate to the world that fear was not part of their vocabulary.

But fear, or being afraid, is very much a part of our lives. We fear bad news from the doctor.  We fear learning about the amount of tax we owe to the government.  We are afraid when the phone rings at 3 a.m. in the morning and letters from bill collectors are never a welcomed site, especially after the holidays. And, last but not least, we fear the unknown.

So imagine how the shepherds felt as suddenly their evening is interrupted by an angel, something they had never seen before and certainly did not understand.  As we learned on Friday, they were terrified.  In fact they were, as we say in North Carolina, scared stiff!

But the angel's message was one of comfort, assurance, and hope. In Luke 2:10-11 we read, "But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.'"

God's first word to the shepherd is one of comfort.  There is no need to fear, no need to be afraid. The light has come and the darkness is over. The long awaited Messiah, he who was promised, whom the prophets foretold, is here.  Salvation has come and it's not very far away!  What a great message this was and the shepherds, as we will see tomorrow, wasted no time in acted on the angel's message.

God still works like this in our lives.  He is in control of every situation. He is in full control of our lives and even though it seems that the world is upside down and darkness is all around, God's message is one of comfort, one of assurance, and one of love.  Do not be afraid, whatever the circumstances. The same God who sent this message to the shepherds is still at work today.

Friday, December 26, 2014


Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Friday, December 26, 2014
Today's Title: Terrified
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:9c

“…[A]nd they were terrified.” (Luke 2:9)  That pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it?  The shepherds were beyond scared; they were completely immobilized, afraid to move, uncertain of what they were seeing and hearing, not knowing which way to turn.  These men were used to facing wild animals and thieves both bent on harming the sheep.  They knew what it was like  to face death and to overcome their fear in order to protect the flock.  But when they were faced with the presence of angels and the glory of God, they were completely undone.

As we will see Monday, the angel’s message is first one of comfort and then great news.  God understands that there are times in life when we are terrified.  Economic difficulties loom on the horizon, sudden illness or death visit us, unforeseen difficulties at work broadside us and our first reaction is one of sheer panic.  We shut down, grow terrified, and haven’t a clue what to do.  This often leads to paralysis in our walk with God.  We are terrified of him and what he might do to us and we find ourselves in the shepherds’ place with plenty of fear and precious little courage.

It is at times like these that God whispers to us not to be afraid.  The words, “fear not” or their equivalents appear in the scriptures some 365 times, enough for each day of the year.  I have to believe that if God placed so much importance on calming my fears, he must understand and know that fear is part of the warp and woof of human existence.

But it should come as no surprise that when the shepherds are paralyzed by fear, the good news comes that the Prince of Peace, the one who would dispel all fear, lies only a short distance away.  In the not-to-distant future, this infant will tell his disciples not to be afraid as he comes to them walking on the water.  He will also tell his followers not to worry and not to let their hearts be troubled or afraid.  Jesus, the peace maker, came to eradicate the fear in men’s hearts so that they could have a right relationship with their heavenly father.

Today you may find yourself in the field with the shepherds, afraid and terrified of the circumstances around you.  However, I would ask you to look very closely within the passage and see that God is present and is working in the very circumstances that cause us fear.  This means he is in control and that the news he has for us is good news, full of peace and hope.  Remember, if you are afraid today, take courage and place your faith in him who said, “Do not be afraid.”

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Basking In The Light

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Thursday, December 25, 2014
Today's Title: Basking In The Light
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:9b
Our house on Main Street underwent many transformations.  Every time our family grew, the house grew right along with it.  Every few years, or so it seemed, it was time to rip out something, rearrange several rooms, or add something to the house.  My mom and dad loved the end result but living through a remodel was, shall we say, challenging.

One of these remodels provided my brother and me with a new room.  Our sister, Heather, needed her own space so she took our old bedroom and the guest bedroom was transformed into a new bedroom, complete with new closets and a desk.  The carpet was royal blue and the wallpaper was a vibrant mixture of orang, blue, white, black, and yellow stripes.  It was very pretty and fun to see.  I remember our first night in the new room.  My brother and I had no problem falling asleep.  But the next morning, we learned just how “vibrant” that new wallpaper was.

Mom hit the lights at 7 a.m. sharp and with all those bright colors our closed eyelids provided no protection.  One minute I was snoozing in a velvety blanket of darkness and the next I was hit with a wave of light that jolted me into consciousness.  I opened my eyes and for a brief moment I didn’t know where I was.  Nothing looked familiar and I wondered if perhaps I was dreaming.

I believe this is the way the shepherds felt when the angel appeared to them.  Until that moment, everything had been routine.  The hills looked the same, the conversations were the same, the lowing of the sheep sounded the same, it was pretty much business as usual.  Then suddenly, from nowhere, the image of something they had never seen appeared before them.  What’s more, it spoke and there was light everywhere.

Luke records this for us in Luke 2 9b “…and the glory of the Lord shone around them…” Can you say hit the lights?  Just imagine how shocked these men were.  They were catapulted into reality and I’m sure they wondered if they were seeing things or even dreaming.  But notice that this light was all around them.  It dispelled all the darkness and left them only basking in the light of God’s glory.  How fitting this is.  The first thing created was light and the angel was announcing the birth of the “light of the world.”

No matter where you are on life’s road today I want you to grasp this truth.  The light of God’s glory dispels all darkness.  Wherever he is, there is light. Light to show you the way, light to dispel your fear, light to provide comfort, and light to assure that we don’t walk in darkness.  John said it best, that God is light and there is no darkness in him at all.  Are you basking in God’s light today?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Do You See What I See?

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Today's Title: Do You See What I See?
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:9a

So the shepherds are in the fields with their sheep and it is dark outside.  There are no street lights. No glaring headlights from the nearby Interstate reflect on them, and the lights of the city are far away.  The shepherds are gathered around the glow of their fire, talking of the day’s events, sharing 
their hopes and dreams and frustrations with each other, preparing to face the long, dark night ahead.

But in a flash, everything changes.  In Luke 2:9a we read these few words, “An angel of the Lord appeared to them…”  There in the darkness, in the remoteness of those fields, God sent his messenger to share the good news of Christ’s birth. I’m sure the shepherds wondered what was going on and if they were seeing things.  I imagine none of them spoke, afraid the others may not be seeing this strange site and afraid to mention it for fear of being accused of hallucinating or worse!

And yet, all of them did see it.  The darkness around them suddenly grew bright and God shared with them the wonderful news that his promise had been fulfilled.  This is just like God, isn’t it?  When we think we have been forgotten, when the darkness is all around us, when we feel abandoned or rejected, just at the proper time God shows up.  Everything takes on a different look as God reveals to us the wonderful promises and plans he has for us.

Although on the fringes of man’s society, the shepherds were squarely in the center of God’s plan.  He knew where they were and he knew that they, above all others, would take his message to heart, accept his invitation to see the Messiah, and spread the good news to all they met along the way.

This is what God still looks for today.  Will you accept his invitation to come to Christ?  Will you respond to him with the heart of a shepherd? Remember, it is in the dark that God’s presence is felt the most.  Is it dark where you are today? 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Stuck In A Rut

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Today's Title: Stuck In A Rut
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:8

Get up.  Go to work. Work all day. Come home. Go to bed. Get up. Do it all over again.  Sound familiar?  Life seems like this at times, doesn’t it?  We fall into the same routine and we basically hit the automatic pilot button as we go from one day to another.  Monday looks like Tuesday looks like Wednesday, well you get the picture.  We simply seem to go through the motions and then we wonder what happened and where the week went. 

Today’s passage paints just this picture.  We have spent the last several days concentrating on Mary and Joseph and their journey from Nazareth.  Today we look at the other people who play a part in the Christmas story.  Not only is God working in the lives of Mary and Joseph, he is also working in the lives of ordinary, every-day people like you and me, preparing them to receive the good news of the coming of Jesus and of the fulfillment of the promise God made all those many years ago.

Luke 2:8 simply reads, “And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.” Shepherds.  In the time of Christ, these were the lowliest of the low.  They had very little if any social standing.  They were uneducated, poor, and had very few prospects in life.  Their job was to work with sheep, dumb, stubborn animals that were helpless, defenseless, weak, and prone to doing things their own way.  And yet, here these men are, faithfully discharging their duties and notice that the passage tells us it was night. 

So, what is so great about shepherds?  They are loyal, faithful, compassionate, caring; the list goes on and on.  It should come, then as no surprise, that God would reveal the birth of Jesus to ones such as these.  Jesus will say of himself that he is “the good shepherd.”  He will also refer to us as sheep and if you read the description above, you will see that he is right.
Jesus entire ministry can be summed up with his words, “the last shall be first.”  What better way to begin this ministry than by announcing the birth of the Messiah to those who were considered to be the “last” rung on society’s ladder.

And so we leave them here, in the fields, taking care of their flocks, unaware that in a brief few moments, their lives will be changed forever.  Jesus is already in the cradle not very far away.  The shepherds have settled down for the night.  But something is about to happen, something they never expected, and something they will never forget.  Who knows what God has in store for you today? Are you ready to find out?

Monday, December 22, 2014

No Room

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Friday, December 22, 2014
Today's Title: No Room
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:7
Expectant parents the world over go through the same ritual as the time for the birth of their child draws ever nearer.  Baby clothes are bought and stored away, a plethora of “must-have” toys are purchased, and the all-important crib is selected, taken home, and assembled.  The nursery is prepared with a fresh coat of paint, a rocking chair, a bassinette, a changing table and whatever else the soon-to-be parents can fit into the room.  Grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, etc. also get into the act and before long, enough items have been purchased and stocked to supply the young couple and their child well into first year of life if not further.
As if this weren’t enough, parties are given in honor of the couple and more gifts are showered upon them.  The preparation for the arrival of the newborn child gets underway extremely early and the hardest part is waiting for the child to show up so all these things can be put to use.
The last half of Luke 2:7 stands in stark contrast to today’s ritual of preparing for the arrival of a newborn. Luke tells us “She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”  Instead of a nursery, Mary had a stable. Instead of a crib, Mary had a manger.  Instead of new clothes, Mary used strips of cloth.  Instead of family and friends, Mary had only herself and Joseph.  And yet, unknown to the world, the Messiah, the King of Kings had been born. God’s promise was fulfilled.
Instead of making everything perfect for the child, God made the child perfect for us. In that manger, nestled in the hay, was the bread of life.  Bethlehem means “house of bread” so how fitting that the one who would bring us spiritual manna should be born there. 
Mary and Joseph used a stable because there was no room anywhere in town.  And yet, shepherds, wise men, the local town’s people, and millions of people since have found room in their hearts for the Messiah.  And how about you?  Is there room in your heart today for the child born in Bethlehem?

Friday, December 19, 2014

Timing Is Everything

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Friday, December 19, 2014
Today's Title: Timing Is Everything
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:6

Timing is everything! How often have you hear or said these words?  In today’s world, it is all about timing.  We run our lives by the clock.  Don’t believe me?  Just count the number of clocks in your house.  We are so enamored with time; we even strap clocks to our wrists and are constantly looking at them throughout the day. There is a time to get up, a time to get dressed, a time to eat, a time to leave for work, a time for lunch, etc.  The list just goes on and on. We like to believe that we control time but in reality time controls us.

It was no different for Mary and Joseph.  No, they didn’t have clocks all around their home and Joseph, as far as we know, didn’t have a designer-label sundial attached to his wrist.  But time played an important factor in their lives.  However, the timing affecting their travel to Bethlehem was under God’s design and control.

Luke 2:6 tells us the following, “While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born…” On the surface this seems to be a very matter-of-fact statement.  We know Mary is pregnant and we know that their journey takes place just prior to the birth of Jesus.  But look very closely within this passage and locate the most important word, time.

The purpose of the journey now takes on a different air.  Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem in order to register for Caesar’s census.  But while they were in Bethlehem, the alarm on God’s clock sounded. From Joseph and Mary’s perspective, the time could not have been worse.  They are not at home.  Friends and loved one’s are not with them and the location of Christ’s birth is anything but what they had imagined it would be.

This is the way God works.  We have our time; he has his.  His timing is always perfect and always serves his purpose.  We may not understand—and in fact we usually won’t—his timing or the reasons for the circumstances he orchestrates; but rest assured that God knows exactly what he is doing and has selected both the time and place for his will to be accomplished.

Remember today as you go down life’s road that God is in full control of your life.  The little twists and turns, the detours, and the awkward and unseemly places into which you journey, are all hand-picked and designed by a loving father. The purpose he has for you may not be evident now, but when the time comes, he will work out his will for your life.  What is God up to?  Only time will tell!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Another Purpose

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Thursday, December 18, 2014
Today's Title: Another Purpose
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:5

When I was a little boy, I hated going to the doctor.  Not that I love going now, but I really hated it then.  My only concern was whether or not the nurse would stick my finger in order to check my hemoglobin.  This singular event ruined my entire day and left me in a state of perpetual fear. I asked my mom over and over again if my finger was going to be stuck, knowing full well the answer would be yes.  I felt that the entire reason for my appointment was for the nurse to stick my finger when in reality there was another purpose, making sure I was in excellent health.

God always has another purpose, a purpose we don’t see or understand, for placing us into the various circumstances in our lives.  We see the difficulty but God sees the end result!!  It is that way for Mary and Joseph as they travel along the road from Nazareth to Bethlehem.  Yesterday we focused on the arduous journey and the long and winding road leading to Bethlehem.  Today, we will see that there is a dual purpose for the journey.  There is Joseph’s perspective and then there is God’s.

In Luke 2:5 we read, “He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.”  Please notice the purpose of Joseph’s visit. He goes to Bethlehem to register in accordance with Caesar’s edict.  Although we are told that Mary is expecting, at no place in this passage is it stated that Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem in order to give birth.  While the possibility of Mary giving birth may certainly have been on Joseph’s mind, and probably weighed heavily on it; it was not his purpose for her to give birth in Bethlehem.  Joseph certainly intended to register and return home as quickly as possible.

As we shall see tomorrow, God’s purpose was very different.  Bethlehem was the goal, the place where Jesus would be born and the world would forever change.  Already in Bethlehem, the shepherds who will hear the angels’ message are tending their flocks.  In the Far East, the wise men who will eventually make their way westward following a star are going about their daily lives not knowing the role they will lay in such a short time.  Herod is alive, and somewhere, in towns and villages all across the region, the men who will become Jesus’ twelve disciples are growing up or are soon to be born.  John the Baptist has already been born and Pontius Pilate, the governor who will condemn this child to death, is pursuing his political career.

Yes, they are all accounted for and Joseph must take Mary to Bethlehem to fulfill the purpose God has for him.  This is our encouragement today.  God has a purpose for all of us, for me and for you.  We cannot always see that purpose but when the time is right, God will reveal that purpose and we will understand the reason for it all.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Long and Winding Road

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2
Date: Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Today's Title: The Long and Winding Road
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:4

One of the last songs recorded by the band, The Beatles, was entitled The Long and Winding Road.  While completely removed from the Christmas story, the image of a long and difficult journey is most appropriate for today’s devotional.

In Luke 2:4 we read, “So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.”  This verse has been read hundreds of thousands of times over the centuries and yet we can find within it fresh insight and encouragement for our journey today.

The road from Nazareth to Bethlehem represented an 80 mile journey.  On a good day, a man leading a donkey could cover approximately 20 miles before retiring for the evening.  This would mean that the journey could be done in 4 days.  Let’s put this into perspective, shall we?  Yesterday I put 60 miles on my car in the space of just 2 hours.  So, 80 miles for us could be just a normal day’s journey.  I can fly 1000 miles in a little over 2 hours and I can be half way around the globe in less than a day.  So 80 miles doesn’t really affect us, or does it?

Let’s see if we can understand Mary and Joseph’s circumstances.  Mary is 9 months pregnant and almost ready to give birth. Even today, physicians discourage women who are close to term from travelling great distances.  Mary must ride on the back of an animal over roads that are not paved.  I imagine that the donkey didn’t have great shock absorbers and that she felt every dip and bump in the road.  Moreover, there were no hotel chains along the way to offer them comfortable lodging for the evening.  They may have had to sleep on the ground and for a woman at full term, sleep in a good bed is still a challenge.

But the passage says that Joseph went up to Bethlehem.  Despite the circumstances, despite the throngs, despite the lack of comfort, Joseph went to Bethlehem.  And during the long journey which could have taken more than a week, God cared for them, provided for them, and kept watch over them because he had a purpose for their lives.

We have this same assurance.   God watches over us and cares for us.  His purpose, while unknown to us, can be trusted and he will ensure we arrive at our destination intact, on time, and ready to be used for his purpose.  In Isaiah, 55:8 the prophet reminds us that God’s ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts.  Mary and Joseph do not know what awaits them at the end of the road, but God is already there.  The same is true for us today.  Who knows where you road will lead?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Everyone's Invited

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2
Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Today's Title: Everyone's Invited
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:3

Yesterday we left Mary and Joseph preparing to leave home and head to Bethlehem in order to comply with Caesar’s dictate for a worldwide census.  They had to pack up and make their way across rough road to arrive at their destination.

Although today’s verse is very small, there is a great kernel of truth lodged within it.  Luke simply records in verse 3, “And everyone went to his own town to register.”  Please notice the word, everyone.  Status didn’t matter.  Location didn’t matter.  Bank account size didn’t matter.  Political influence didn’t matter.  In fact, nothing mattered except that everyone, regardless of station, was invited to the census party.

Once again we see God working in the daily situations and circumstances of life.  The edict applied to everyone, both citizens and non-citizens, there were no distinctions between them. And although there were many people heading to Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph, the purposes of their journeys and the end results were not the same.  Everyone went to be counted; but Mary and Joseph had another purpose, a purpose not known to them.

This is God’s way with us.  We are not always aware of the present purpose of our circumstances.  God doesn’t always reveal to us why things are the way they are and why we must face the various situations life sends our way.  He does promise, however, that everything will work to our good as Paul shares in Romans 8:28.

The prophet Micah had foretold that the birthplace of the Messiah would be in Bethlehem but no one at that time foresaw Roman occupation and the census it would require in order for this prophecy to be fulfilled.  Isaiah was correct when he recorded God’s statement that His ways are not our ways.  How true this is.

And so, Mary and Joseph are now on their way with the rest of the population toward a destination that will forever change their lives and the world.  It may be that you are being moved from one place to another today.  If so, trust God’s working in your life.  He has in mind a purpose for you and when the time and the circumstances are right, He will bless you and use you for His glory.

Wherever you are on life’s road today, my prayer for you is that you will enjoy the journey, knowing full well that we serve a God who has our best interest in mind and who will never move us unless and until He is ready to use us for His glory.  Just keep walking!!!!

Monday, December 15, 2014

On The Move

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2
Date: Monday, December 15, 2014
Today's Title: On The Move
Today's Scripture: Luke 2:1

At this time of year, people are in constant motion, running here and there with greater fervor and focus than at any other time of the year.  That seems to be the mantra of almost anyone to whom you speak.  “I gotta go” or “I've got to get all this shopping done” or better yet, “Where has the time gone?”

For the next several days, we will be taking a journey through Luke 2.  We will take a look at the shepherds, the wise men, and all the circumstances regarding our Lord’s birth and the purpose for his coming to earth.  So, let’s get started.  I invite you to open your Bible and join me with the opening verse of Luke 2.

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.  You want to talk about movement?  The entire known world was in flux with people packing up all they had to report to their various destinations to be counted and recorded.  What a time that must have been when everyone, and I mean everyone, was going somewhere with no time to spare. 

Joseph and Mary pack up and head to Bethlehem to comply with Caesar’s demand that the entire world be recorded.  What lesson are we to learn from this brief passage?  What could God have possibly packed into these 19 words that will help us today?  A lot, actually.

In life, we are seldom in control of our circumstances. Things happen, events occur, and unforeseen situations rear their ugly heads at the most inopportune times.  It was the same with Joseph and Mary.  The day before Caesar’s decree, everything was normal; but the next morning, their world changed.  Joseph had to take his very pregnant wife from their home to the town of Bethlehem to register his family.

Joseph, in all likelihood, was not thrilled about traveling in the first place and he was most certainly concerned about Mary who was due to give birth very soon.  But the circumstances of life dictated that he go to Bethlehem and to Bethlehem he went.

Here is our lesson for today.  God is in control of our circumstances.  We may not understand the events surrounding us and we may not comprehend why we have to move when it would be easier to stay put. But had Abraham never moved there would have been no Isaac.  Had Moses not been moved, there would have been no Exodus.  Had David not moved into the valley, there would have been no victory over Goliath.   We could go on and on but the lesson is the same.  In order for God to bless us and use us, he sometimes will require that we move, leaving everything behind, heading toward a destination and events we do not know or fully understand.  Whatever the circumstance, to receive God’s best, we must move.

And so, we leave Mary and Joseph on the road to Bethlehem, traveling over a rocky road, in the dry and arid climate, on their way to fulfill God’s promise that he would send a deliverer to save mankind. Does God have you on the move today?  If so, get ready for him to do great things both in you and through you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Welcome To Carp's Daily Tidbits


After several months, Carp's Daily Tidbits now have a new look, a new address, and several new features.  We have moved away from a straight e-mail format to a blog which offers more flexibility and interaction between us.  The following sections describe what you will be able to do on this site. Please read this information in its entirety.  Our new e-mail address is:

A Word About Blogs vs. Emails

Blogs are different from conventional emails.  Once I post a Tidbit to the blog it is instantly available on the site.  However, you will not be notified by e-mail until later that a new Tidbit is available. You can always check the blog at for the latest posting.  The Tidbit is scheduled to post each weekday evening at midnight and be delivered to your e-mail account between 1:00 & 3:00 a.m. Central Time.

Search For Specific Tidbits

The Tidbits will now be archived according to the months in which they were posted.  On the right-hand side of the site, you will see a year with an arrow beside it.  Clicking on the arrow will expand the year into months.  Expanding each month will display the titles of the posted Tidbits for that month.  In addition, the Tidbits now will be labeled. Just above the archives of the posted Tidbits, you will see the various labels.  Clicking on a label will display all the Tidbits associated with that subject.

Leaving Comments

Below each Tidbit is a comment box where you can leave your remarks.  Signing up to follow comments means you will be notified when someone comments on a particular Tidbit.  Make sure you sign up for each Tidbit for which you want to receive comments.  Signing up on one Tidbit will only forward comments from that individual devotional, not all of them.

Tidbits On Your Mobile or Smartphone

Carp's Tidbits can now be viewed via your mobile or smartphone.  Simply use your Internet browser on your phone to go to and you will see the following:

You will be able to see all the Tidbits posted to the blog and read them by touching the various titles. They will now appear on your phone.

So How Do I Sign Up?

I am so glad you asked. You can subscribe to the Tidbits in two ways. There is a subscription link in the upper right-hand portion of the site that will allow you to subscribe to the devotionals or you can enter your email address into the form below.  Once you have entered your email, you will be asked to verify that address by typing the code you see. A verification email will be sent to you. Simply click on the link to verify your account.  That's all there is to it.  The first Tidbit will be posted on Monday, December 15, 2014.  I am looking forward to reconnecting with you as we share God's word together.

Thank you for your faithfulness and your prayers.  It is my prayer that God will continue to bless you as you faithfully walk with Him.

In Christ,

Blake <><
Psalm 23:1