Wednesday, April 22, 2015

These Are Mine

erry and Monica had been married for only a few months when they decided to take the plunge and buy their first home.  They spent weeks scouring the local papers and the Internet for available homes in their price range.  They found several that looked good on paper but they just didn't fit the image either one of them had for their own home. 
The houses were either too large, too small, had too much yard, too many neighbors, or not enough of either.  They were anything but just right.  However, after three weeks of intense research and endless visits, Monica found a lovely little house not far from their apartment.  She called Jerry at work and later that evening they visited the home.  Both of them fell in love with the little house and made an offer which the owners accepted.
Once their bid was accepted, Jerry and Monica began the endless process of signing forms, changing their address, and finding an insurance policy for the home.  They had to list everything they owned so that the insurance company would have an accurate record of their possessions.  In the event of fire, natural disaster, or theft, their items could be replaced as long as they had been duly cataloged with the insurance company. 
Monica spent days listing and labeling all their belonging, making sure not to overlook anything.  Finally, this process was complete and she presented the insurance company with a long list of personal items.  She kept a copy of the list and the policy in a file marked "Our Stuff."
Isn't it amazing how much importance we attach to things?  We know exactly what we own, how much it is worth, and we can give a detailed description of each item.  Would it surprise you to know that God looks on us in the same way as we view our possessions? Can you grasp the notion that we have infinite value to God and that he keeps an exact listing of our lives?  The scriptures tell us that even the hairs on our head are numbered.  He knows every intimate detail about us and he an exact record of every situation and circumstance we encounter.
Isaiah 43:1 demonstrates just how much we mean to our Heavenly Father.  God says, "But now, O Israel, the Lord who created you says: “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine."
Do not let this small verse of scripture slip past you because it is packed with power.  Four important truths are listed in this one sentence.  1) God created us.  He formed us, planned us, and made us for his glory.  2) We have no cause to be afraid.  God does not give us a spirit of fear and if he is for us, who can be against us?  3) He has ransomed us.  He provided his own son to pay the penalty for our sin.  He did this simply because he loved us and wanted to have a relationship with us. 4) He knows our names and we are his.  This is my favorite part of the sentence.  We are on his list of precious possessions.  He has placed our names on his list and when he looks at us he says, "These are mine!"  We belong to him and no one else can have us or lay any claim to us. 

o, the next time you feel as if you don't matter, or you feel that you don't belong, just remember.  God claims you as his own, he loves you, he has placed you on his list of precious possessions and he will always claim what is his.  You can count on that!

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