Sunday, November 14, 2021

Hang In There!



e are in that in-between-time when there is a tug of war between the heating and the air-conditioning settings on the thermostat. At times it is too warm in the house and at others it is just too cool. 


I was reminded of this fact one afternoon during a bible study at a friend’s home. Getting the temperature just right proved to be a challenge. We adjusted the thermostat and spent the next few minutes playing with the ceiling fan until everyone was comfortable. 


Finally, the proper balance was struck, and we proceeded with our study in total comfort.  Later in the morning, I watched that ceiling fan. Due to the height of the ceiling, a large extension rod connects the fan with its power source. Through this rod, which is approximately four feet long, wires ensure that electricity flow from the junction box in the ceiling to the motor in the fan’s housing.  As long as these wires remain connected, the fan will jump to life each time the electricity is turned on. 


This is a wonderful example of Jesus’ statement found in John 15:5"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” In this passage, Jesus reminds his disciples that he is the source of their strength, of their relationship with God, in essence, the very source of their lives. 


A bunch of grapes cannot grow unless its branch is connected to the vine. Without that connection, no nutrients, no water, and no life flow to the grapes. The vine is useless and dead.  This is exactly the picture of our lives without Christ. We cannot live the Christian life on our own because we cannot provide for ourselves. We need the power of Christ to flow through us in order to live a life pleasing to God. 


What the extension rod is to the fan, and what the vine is to the branch, is exactly what Christ is to us.  He is our supply and as long as we remain in contact and connected to him our lives produce fruit and power flows through them.  Without him, we are lifeless and unproductive. 


So, there really is only one question we must answer today. Are we connected or not?

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