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of my colleagues at work pointed a very interesting trend he had noted in the
Tidbits. Many of them center on food and my attempts at becoming a
culinary artist. The more I thought about this, the more I realized he
was right. However, since I can
only write about what I know
and since I know a lot about eating, I’ve decided to stick with this
theme for today’s Tidbit. So, if you’re ready, let’s dig
love the mornings, especially just before sunrise. For me it is the sanest
part of the day with little stress and no pressing deadlines to meet. All
that comes approximately two hours later but the beginning of the day is always
a wonderful time. After my morning routine of making the bed, dressing,
making coffee, and making sure I haven’t forgotten anything, I throw open the
pantry door, grab a breakfast pastry, pop it in my mouth, and leave the house,
rushing head-long into the day.
I climb into the car, I am still working on that pastry, trying to scarf it
down before I hit any major traffic snags or challenges. One should never
drive in Texas traffic
on an empty stomach!!! However, on mornings when I don’t have to meet
class, I enjoy preparing a big breakfast. This usually consists of eggs
(always scrambled), bacon or sausage, toast, cooked rice, coffee, and
juice. I enjoy these mornings because I don’t have to open the pantry and
pop a pastry in my mouth as I run for the door!! I can sit back, enjoy
the morning, and take in the full experience. Somehow, the coffee tastes
better, the food is more enjoyable, and I am more deeply satisfied on these
isn’t surprising that our walk with the Lord is much the same way. No
matter when we start our days, early or late, the amount of time we spend with
God directly affects the way we greet the remaining portion of the day.
When we rush through our devotions, when we spend only a few minutes in prayer,
we do the same thing I do on my busy mornings. We open God’s word, just like a
pantry door, pop a quick verse into our minds, gnaw on it for a few seconds,
and then digest it before we encounter the heavy traffic of the day.
problem is we soon forget what we stuffed into our minds in those few
seconds. I find myself constantly wondering what I ate for breakfast or even
if I had anything at all. That gnawing feeling in my stomach indicates that, even
if I had breakfast, it wasn’t enough to carry me through the morning.
Sound familiar? So often we simply go through the
motions of doing what a Christian “should do,” that we have no notion of what a
Christian “should be!!!!”
Doing lasts only for a moment while being is an ongoing condition. It is
no wonder we find ourselves hungry for God during the day! We never
really fed on His word to begin with!!!
John 6:11 is
a wonderful reminder of how we are to feed on God’s word and enjoy the full
experience of life with Him. This scripture comes from the account of
Jesus feeding the five thousand. Please read the verse very carefully,
paying attention to the last four words of the verse: “Then Jesus took the
loaves, gave thanks to God, and passed them out to the people. Afterward he did
the same with the fish. And they all ate until they were full”.
The people had been following Jesus and they were hungry. When Jesus fed
them, however, he didn’t open the pantry and offer them a meager pastry.
Instead, he set before them a full meal, inviting them to the table. They
could have eaten as little as they wanted; instead, they all ate until they
were full.
how about you? What was your spiritual breakfast like today? Did
you open your scriptures and scarf down the first thing you could find?
Do you even remember what your study was about this morning? Did you have
time; did you take time for breakfast? If so, was it a big breakfast or
just a small something to tide you over? Is there a hunger in your soul
today, a longing for more of God and His word? If so, I invite you to go
back to the table and eat! Do not settle for a small pastry when God has prepared a big
breakfast for you. Come
to the table, sit down, and eat until you are full. I think you’ll find
you are satisfied for the rest of the day but if you want more, it will be
there, piping hot and plenty of it!!!! Have a great day in the Lord today!
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