Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Daddy's Always Working



he sound of the back doorbell sent me running through the house to greet whomever it was who had come to pay us a visit.  I ran as fast as my little two-year-old legs would carry me, dodging tables, toys, chairs, and quickly made my way to the back door, anxious and excited to see who was there.  I opened the door and stared for a few brief seconds.  The man standing there looked very familiar. I had seen him several times around our house but lately his visits had been very infrequent.  Nevertheless, he had come to pay us a visit and I wanted to make sure mom knew.  So I announced, “Mama, daddy’s come to visit us!” 


My dad never misses an opportunity to bring this to my attention!  So, why would I say such a thing?  Why would I believe daddy just visited us from time to time instead of actually living in our house?  Well, I’ll tell you. 


My dad was in the funeral business and that meant he was on call all the time to serve people when they needed it the most.  Now, I fully understand that but as a two-year-old boy, it just didn’t make sense.  Daddy was supposed to be home with me, making sure all my needs were met, giving me piggy-back rides, and playing with me. 


Yet the evidence of my dad’s service to me was everywhere.  It was in the pantry where our food was kept.  It was in my closet where my clothes hung.  It was in the warm bed where I slept safely and soundly every night.  And, it was in closing of the heavy front door, making sure I was safe, and warm, and dry.  The evidence of daddy’s love for me and of his working to provide for me was everywhere.  Even when he couldn’t be with me, his continual work ensured all my needs would be met. 


In John 5:17, we read, “Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day…”  Do we really understand these words?  Do we put them into practice?  How often do we feel that God has abandoned us during our most needful hour?  The phone rings and the voice on the other end informs us of a serious accident.  A letter is delivered, and the electric bill is much larger than we anticipated.  We hit our knees and pray, and it seems there is no one listening.  And just when we need a special touch from God it seems he is distant and uninterested. 


Yet God is always working.  Our hearts beat, we breathe, we enjoy the company of friends, we have food to eat, a warm place to stay, and clothes on our back.  All of these speak to the constant working of our Heavenly Father who takes great and perfect care of us.  Jesus said the birds of the air are fed and that we are worth so much more to God than they are. 


Wherever you are today, I want you to know that God is working on your behalf.  Even if you don’t feel him near, he is working.  And just when you least expect it the doorbell of your heart’s door will ring and guess who it will be?  Won’t you answer the door today?

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