Tuesday, November 12, 2019

All Along The Road


s I drove the more involved, scenic route back to the Interstate, the evening sun was sinking low in the west.  It splashed everything with a wonderful wave of orange-red light that reflected off the windows of houses I passed.  The metal trailers of passing trucks looked as if they were on fire, giving the impression that the tractor trailers were pulling great plumes of fire behind them instead of metal containers filled with different goods.  As I crested a small hill, I took notice of the many telephone poles lining the highway.  Like everything else in the path of the setting sun, they wore an orange mantle, taking on the reddish color of the great California Redwoods.  But what caught my eye was not the poles themselves; it was the lines that connected them that became the focus of my attention.

All along the road, these sentinels stood guard over the Interstate, faithfully performing their mission.  Between each pole were draped several lines over which literally thousands of messages were passing.  Those wires carried news of marriages, births, engagements, and conversations of reunions between old friends.  All of these were traveling much faster than my car and the poles made sure all the messages were successfully delivered.  What type of messages, I wondered, is my life transmitting?  Is the message of Jesus Christ being faithfully communicated to all those crossing my path on a daily basis?

The Apostle John was very much concerned with the message of Jesus Christ and its successful transmission to everyone he met.  John was known as the “Beloved Disciple” and shared a very close relationship with our Lord.  John also wanted his readers to understand that there was only one message that he and the other followers of Jesus Christ wished to communicate. We find this message recorded in 1 John 1:5, “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” 

In this first letter, John goes to great lengths to stress to his readers that he was among those who personally knew Jesus. John heard him, saw him, and touched him.  He saw the feeding of the five thousand, he witnessed the raising of Lazarus from the dead, he was present at the Last Supper, and he witnessed the crucifixion.  John also encountered the resurrected Lord and saw him ascend into heaven. No wonder he wanted his readers to understand that he and the others had received this message first-hand and wanted to pass it on down the line to those who had not seen Jesus in the flesh but who believed in him through faith.

That is why John writes that they received this message from Jesus, himself.  The message is that God is light.  What a wonderful promise and truth this is.  In a world that is dark, cold, and uncertain. In a world where wrong is seemingly rewarded and right is punished, John wants us to understand that the light of truth does burn brightly and that light is found in God.  Our job is to make sure this message is passed all along the road to everyone we meet.  No matter where you are in your walk with God, the message is still the same and everyone needs to hear it.  People need the Lord; won’t you be one of the lines of communication all along the road of life today?

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