y friend Larry has been around for as long as I can remember. In fact, we have pictures of him dating back to my very early childhood, around the age of two or so. Although every member of my family knew Larry, he and I were especially close and practically inseparable. If I was watching television, Larry was with me. If I decided to take a nap, Larry stood guard over me while I slept and sometimes he would even make it to the table for supper. After eating, he and I would dart off to my room or somewhere else to play or just to talk.
Larry was a good listener. I could talk to him about anything and he always listened, never interrupting, letting me get it all out in the open. Larry gave great hugs as well. He was never too busy and never too tired to comfort me. He was always there; ready to listen, hug, laugh, and play when I needed it most.
As I grew older, Larry and I saw less and less of each other. In fact, for several years, I didn’t see him at all. I almost forgot about him but from time to time he would cross my mind and a flood of wonderful memories came rushing back. Finally, one day in August of 2002, Larry showed back up at my place. He found me in Fort Worth , TX and has once again become a constant companion.
Ok, I have to make a confession. Larry is not a person. Larry is a lion, a talking toy produced by the Mattel ® Toy Corporation in the early 1960’s. He is the first toy I remember and we have stayed together all these years. When I pull Larry’s string, he talks. His messages are few, simple, and always the same. But those words that I heard as a boy still make me smile and laugh.
Larry is a tried & trusted friend. He has been present during crises and triumphs, during skinned knees and skinned hearts, during times of sickness and times of excellent health, and on more occasions than I can count, he has stood watch over my bed while I slept, a lone sentinel in the night, protecting me from harm. In all these years, Larry has never changed and as our friendship continues I know he will continue to be the same in the years ahead.
I have another friend who is even more constant and more trusted than Larry the Lion. This friend is real and his name is Jesus. He also has been present during every stage of my life, even before I was born. He saw me when I was still a secret to my mother. He was there at my birth, he was there when I accepted his gift of salvation, he was there in all of life’s challenges, during all of life’s joys, and during all of life’s disappointments. Every night and all day long, he keeps watch over me, protecting me from harm, providing food, clothing, and shelter and meeting every need I have.
He is a good listener, understanding all my disappointments, hurts, and fears. He is a great hugger, opening his arms wide to enfold me when I need it most, giving me the reassurance that he is still in control and that he cares for and loves me just as I am. But when he speaks, his words carry such comfort, such strength, and such love. At every turn, Jesus reassures me that just as he was with all those who walked this way before me, he will be with me as I walk it today and he will never leave me no matter how dark or steep the road grows in the days ahead.
The writer of Hebrews 13:8 expresses this great truth like this, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Do you know him as your tried and trusted friend today?
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