On the first day of every month, a
miracle occurs. The earth doesn’t tremble,
there are no peals of thunder, no bolts of lightning, and bodies of water don’t
divide exposing dry ground. But
nonetheless, a miracle does occur and that miracle is called a direct deposit!
I fall asleep on the last day of
the month with pennies in my bank account and wake up to find that, overnight,
someone has deposited dollars into my account.
It’s a great feeling and one that I try not to take for granted. In that
deposit is all the provision I need for the month. My house payment is there,
my car payment is there, all my meals are there, clothes are provided, and
there is even enough for a cup of coffee or two.
All this happens while I am asleep.
During the dark, wee hours of the morning, someone has made sure to provide for
my monthly needs. I have never met them,
I don’t know their name, and I would never recognize their voice if I heard it.
Nevertheless, while I sleep, they faithfully ensure that funds are deposited
and credited to my account.
King David would fully understand
and appreciate the direct deposit. In fact, he describes it beautifully in Psalm 121:3b-4: “[H]e
who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will
neither slumber nor sleep.” David,
perhaps more than anyone, understood God’s provision directly deposited into
his life.
See him stand against Goliath when God deposited strength
and courage. Witness him guarding the
sheep when God deposited grace and mercy into his life. Remember him after Samuel anointed him king,
living in caves for 13 years while God deposited into his life faith, wisdom, patience,
and the desire to pursue God’s own heart.
Yes, David knew about the direct deposit. The psalms are filled with deposits made into
his life. David trusted God, knowing that the Lord always watched over him, in
good times, in difficult times, and in lonely times. David knew that God never
sleeps, that he watches over those who belong to him and provides for their every
need. Are you experiencing God’s direct deposits
into your life today?
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