Monday, February 12, 2018

Low On Memory

f you’ve worked with computers at all, whether at work or at home, chances are you’ve received the following warning.  It happens when you attempt to run several programs at once.  The computer slows down, becomes less responsive, and gives you a little warning box that simply states, “Low On Memory!”  What the computer is communicating, even with its wonderful capabilities, is that it does have limitations.  The poor little thing can only remember so much and then its brain gets overloaded.  No matter how many buttons you push, no matter how frustrated you get, no matter how many times you turn the thing on or off, once you’ve reached the limits of its memory you have only two options, buy more memory or buy another machine.

Believe me; I know how the computer feels.  It doesn’t take a great deal to overload my little brain!!!  I write myself notes so I won’t forget to do things then I forget where I placed the notes!!!!  Let’s not even talk about car keys!!!  It’s a good thing that a car comes with at least two sets of keys.  I am forever looking for mine.  I’ve tried everything, even designating a special place for them.  This works great when I remember to put the keys where they belong.  But at least twice a week, I spend my time going through pockets, searching through drawers, and looking under everything in the room in an attempt to locate my keys!  What I need is more memory.  Where do I go to buy this stuff?  I would love to have a few extra megabytes worth of memory just lying around somewhere that I could plug in. Presto!  No more problems, no more misplaced items, and no more missed appointments.

I’m sure there are those of you reading this who can easily identify with my plight.  The busier we become, the more sophisticated our world grows, the greater the frequency with which we forget things.  Some people claim that age has something to do with it.  Personally, I’m not buying that interpretation.  I’m growing more mature, not older!!!!

However, as Christians, we must admit there are times when we believe God’s memory has reached its capacity.  Sometimes we feel He has forgotten us and that He has no idea about the situations we face in life.  We pray and we pray and we study our Bibles and still our circumstances don’t change.  We know that God loves us, but we wonder if He really takes notice of us on a consistent basis. 

Moments like this often arise when we are faced with difficult circumstances like the loss of a loved one, financial difficulties, employment worries, or emotional unrest.  When we face issues such as these, we want assurance that God is near, that He still loves us, that He is aware of our trials, and that He hasn’t forgotten us.  Let me assure you, God is near.  He knows all about you today and what you’re facing.  He loves you, He cares for you, and He only has your best interest in mind.

The Children of Israel felt very much abandoned and forgotten during their exile in Babylon.  Where was God?  Why did He not answer their prayers?  Was He even listening to them? Was He aware of their existence?  God’s answers to these questions can be found in a beautiful passage of scripture which is one of my personal favorites.  The prophet Isaiah records the following words of assurance in Isaiah 49:14-16, “But Zion said, "The LORD has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me. Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!  See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.”

It is apparent from the opening sentence of this passage that God is fully aware of His people.  He knows they are frustrated.  He knows they are lonely.  He knows they feel neglected and abandoned.  God is not surprised or upset when we feel this way; only when we believe this way.  That is why His words are so gentle and reassuring in the second part of this passage.  The bond between God and His people is far stronger than that between mother and child.  How aware do you believe a mother is concerning her children?  They can’t make a move without her noticing it.  If they make a sound during the night that is out of the ordinary, mother is there, checking to see everything is all right.  Any change in the child’s voice sends out a signal that something may be wrong and she immediately sees about her child.  Nothing escapes her notice, nothing escapes her ears, and nothing escapes her love.

God carries His love and care for us one step further.  Even though an earthly mother may forget her children, and that’s unlikely, God promises He will never forget us. When we sleep He is with us, when we are awake, He is with us, when we travel, He is with us, when we are in need, He is with us, when we are happy, He is with us, when we are sad, He is with us, and when we are hurting, He is with us.  There is not a moment of our day, there is not a circumstance in our lives, there is not trial that we face, and there is not a triumph that we experience that escapes God’s attention.  We are the apple of His eye!

The computer may give you a warning about being low on memory.  Your brain, like mine, may forget things, but we serve a God who is never low on memory and who always remembers us.  If you doubt this, just check your pulse!  Who remembers to keep our hearts beating?  That is how close God is to you today.  He is closer than any human parent could ever be.  Low on memory?  Not a chance!!!!

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