t’s amazing what you can learn while eating lunch! One particular Wednesday, I was looking for
something really good to eat and that meant I had to get out of the kitchen and
visit a place that offered wonderful food.
I went to Julie’s Fresh Kitchen (this is the restaurant where I worked
while attending seminary) and, as usual, the place was packed. I grabbed a menu, located an empty table,
seated myself, and began making the agonizing decision of what to have for
lunch. Everything looked exceptional; but
I could only select one thing to eat.
While I sat there musing over the menu, Jody, the owner,
came over to say hello. He indicated
that a good friend of mine was sitting in the next section and asked if I’d
like to join him. Not fifteen minutes
prior to that I had tried to call Chris to see if he wanted to meet me at
Julie’s for lunch. Isn’t it neat how God
just works things out for us? I picked
up my menu, silverware, and iced tea, and went to join Chris at his table. Fortunately, he hadn’t ordered yet, so our
food arrived at the same time. Chris
opted for the pot roast and I went for the turkey and dressing.
After our food arrived, Jody came over and sat down with us
for a chat. He always did this with his
customers and I loved it. His youngest
son, Jonathan, joined in our conversation.
Jonathan was wearing a new T-shirt that his dad bought for him. Jody told us about purchasing these items for
Jonathan. They just happened to be
directly related to Jonathan’s favorite hockey player. So, he bought them for him, and, as you can
guess, Jonathan was very happy.
When asked why his dad had purchased the items for him,
Jonathan simply answered, “Because he loves me!” And in that statement, was the focus for a Tidbit. You never know what God will teach you over a
plate of food. God’s lessons are all
around us and he takes every opportunity to teach us about himself if we will
just open our eyes, ears, and hearts and listen to his voice.
That Wednesday was such a day for me. After Jody left our table and long after I
left the restaurant, I mulled over in my mind the conversation that had taken
place during my lunch hour. Without
Jonathan ever mentioning the T-shirt and other items, Jody knew he would be
happy with him. He knew this because he knew Jonathan. He knew what would make him happy, he knew
what his interests were, and he also knew Jonathan couldn’t get those things
for himself. So, as any good father
would do, Jody purchased the things for his son and gave them to him. He did this just because he loved Jonathan
and wanted him to have that T-shirt.
What a wonderful picture of what God has done for us. Long before you and I were ever born, long
before our great, great, great, great, grandparents were born, before the earth
was even created, God made provision to give us something just because He loves
us. To understand God’s gift, we need
look no further than the most often quoted verse of scripture in the Bible, John 3:16.
Here, Jesus tells us plainly, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Although this verse is well known, don’t be in
such a hurry that you neglect to understand its full meaning. Look at the ninth word in the verse. That word is “gave.” Stop and think about that
word for just a minute. Think about its
implications and meanings. When you give
someone something, you think about them and select the gift with them in
mind. You only want the best for them
and you purchase the very best gift you can because they mean so much to
you. Now, if that is how we feel and act
when we give a gift, just imagine how much more wonderful God’s gift and
reasons for giving are.
God sent Jesus to pay for our sins because he
had our best interest in mind. He knew us
before we were ever born and he determined to give us the very best he had to
offer. He did not do this because we
deserve it, we don’t. He didn’t do it
because we are worthy, we aren’t. He
didn’t do it because he had to, he didn’t.
He did it because he loved us and for no other reason! That is so hard for us to understand because
we don’t understand pure, unconditional love.
But that is just the way God loves you and me, unconditionally.
Furthermore, God did not send Jesus to save us
because he needed us; he sent him to die because he wanted us! What a humbling thought that is. The God of the universe sacrificed his own
son because he wanted us! he wants us
despite the fact that we are sinful, despite the fact that we are selfish,
despite the fact we are imperfect, despite the fact that we are arrogant,
despite the fact that we fall so far short of what we were meant to be. Like Jonathan’s father, God knows we could
never save ourselves, never pay the price for salvation, never find our way in
the darkness. So, he paid the price, he
lit the path, and he gave us salvation through his son. He did all this because
he loved us. What a wonderful God we
In closing I want to leave you with something I
heard a pastor say in a sermon. I think
it speaks directly to what God did for us on Calvary
all those years ago. It is possible to give and not love but it is impossible to love
and not give.
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