huge dump truck parked at the entrance to our basement told me everything I
needed to know. Daddy was once again
cleaning out our basement, trying to reclaim the space our toys, bikes, and
other important “stuff” had invaded during the past several months. It seems that daddy was always cleaning the
basement, making it neat and clean just so we could junk it up again.
always had the same feeling each time I saw the dump truck parked outside the
basement door—panic! Toys I hadn’t
touched in months or years suddenly became important and things I hadn’t taken
notice of in months I suddenly couldn’t do without! Everything and I do mean everything in that
basement was a necessity. Had I not
wanted it, I would have thrown it away instead of hiding it deep within the
recesses of our basement where no one, not even me, could find it! That’s why I hid those things there so no one
would find them and throw them away!
daddy didn’t buy that argument and he wasn’t persuaded by all my nifty
explanations and reasons for wanting to hold on to things I clearly had very
little or no interest in. He wanted the
basement cleared of all debris so the space would be useful. Before daddy went on his cleaning binge you
couldn’t even set foot in our basement.
This was due largely to the fact that when told to put something in the
basement I just naturally opened the door and set whatever the item was inside
taking no heed of the clutter that was accumulating just inside the door. When daddy finished, however, I could never
get over the amount of room and useable space in our basement. It was so large and so empty that I couldn’t
wait to fill it again and thus the vicious cycle continued.
basements and cluttered lives have a lot in common. In fact, our lives can become so junked and
cluttered with “stuff” that there is little or no room for God. This is when God decides to take a broom and
clean our spiritual basements. He wants to remove all the junk and clutter so he
can have room to mold us and shape us to conform to the plans he has for us.
book of Genesis speaks to the fact that we must rid ourselves of the clutter in
life that prevents us from having a proper relationship with God and from
receiving all the blessing He wants us to have.
The story of Jacob and his wrestling match provides the backdrop for our
devotional today.
In Genesis 32:23-24 we
read, “After he had
sent them across the stream, he sent over all his possessions. So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled
with him till daybreak.” When
we catch up with Jacob he is on his way to see Esau, his older brother from
whom he stole both the birthright and the blessing of his father Isaac. Jacob has become wealthy but still he is
worried about the reception he will have when he meets his brother. Jacob is not sure what Esau’s welcome will
bring but he suspects it will not be smooth.
To that end, he has divided his family and his possessions for safety
and he has sent a handpicked gift to his brother to appease him. This is the point where we find Jacob at the
river Jabbok on the night before he meets Esau.
before he beds down for the night, Jacob sends all his possessions across the
Jabbok and is left alone. This is a very
important truth and one we must not overlook.
It is only when Jacob is alone, only when he has divested himself of all
his possessions, only when he removes the clutter from his life, that he has an
encounter with the Lord. Until
everything standing between Jacob and God is removed, no blessing, no
fulfilling relationship, and no growth can take place. As long as his life is filled with other
thoughts, other ambitions, other things to do, and other concerns, he has no
place for God and no usable space in his life.
when Jacob sends his possessions over and is all alone God can then begin the
cleaning process and put his life back in order. This is what happens as the man, the Lord,
wrestles with Jacob all night long.
During this wrestling match, Jacob holds on for dear life. He wraps his arms around the Lord and refuses
to let go until he obtains God’s blessing.
He has nothing else to hold onto and nothing else to which he can
cleave. It is God and God alone that
Jacobs grabs and, in the process, learns that only the Lord can meet the
deepest need of his heart.
is the basement of your life today? Is
it filled with clutter? Are there things
stored there you haven’t paid attention to in years? Have you stuffed things in and jammed your
life so full of meaningless things that God has no room to work? Don’t be surprised to find the Lord showing
up in your life, ready to clean your basement.
He will not be interested in hearing excuses or arguments for holding
onto things that you don’t need.
Instead, He wants to know if you will permit him to clean out the junk,
set your house in order, and make use of the space in your heart for his
glory. What
do you say? Isn’t it about time you let
the Lord clean your basement today?
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