he screen saver on my computer is
set to scroll through photographs from France, New Mexico, my home in Texas,
and my hometown in North Carolina. There
are pictures of family, friends, and familiar places I’ve visited. As I look at those snapshots, I easily
remember the events taking place when I took the photographs. I remember the places, the people, the
weather, the conversation, the smells, and the time of day. All these return to me as I carefully observe
the pictures on my monitor.
Isn’t it funny how a single picture
can do that? One glimpse of the picture
and our memories are flooded with sights, sounds, smells, and emotions tied
directly to the circumstances caught for all time on film. Everything around us comes to a grinding halt
and for a few moments we are transported back in time, revisiting friends,
family, places and events that were important to us.
The Children of Israel had several
experiences like this in their history.
The Old Testament is full of examples where God reminded them of their
past and how He acted on their behalf.
One such occurrence is found in the Old Testament book of
Deuteronomy. In Deuteronomy 5:15, Moses
records these words, “Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord
your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.”
What a photograph that must have
been! Can you imagine walking through
the middle of a sea on dry ground? Can
you imagine the sound of the wind and the height of the water as it formed
walls on both sides? Can you imagine
what the people must have felt with the Egyptians behind and the open sea
before them? It is a picture that
escapes our ability to fully understand and imagine all the conditions
surrounding it. But the Israelites had
been there. They had witnessed this
miracle first-hand and now God wants to make sure they don’t forget!
The passage above, though, does not
concentrate on the waves, the water, the wind, the dry ground, or on the
Egyptians. The focus of the verse is not
on what happened but on who caused it to happen. God’s intention is clear. He wants His people to remember all that He
did for them and how He brought them from slavery and bondage into freedom.
As Christians, the message given so
long ago by Moses is directly applicable to us.
Too often we pray that God will see us through some type of crisis and
when it passes we forget His blessings and His actions on our behalf. We forget all that God has done for us and
only come to Him when we are in trouble or in dire circumstances. But God would have us remember everything He
has done for us in all our circumstances.
Remembering God’s love and protection in our past gives us faith and
hope that He will continue to lead us through all our difficulties in the
God always brings us out from the
slavery of sin into the freedom of His love and grace. He wants us to remember that He loves us that
He cares for us, that we are the apple of His eye, that nothing can touch us
without His approval, and that He is aware of all that happens in our lives
even when we don’t feel as if He does.
God’s word is sure, His love is constant, and His watchful eyes are
always upon us. We need to remember that
So, how long has it been since you
reviewed the photographs of your walk with God?
Why don’t you do that today? You will hear God whispering to you, “Do you remember
when….?” And He will whisper again, “I
do. I remember everything and every
trial we’ve walked through together. I
was there then, I am here now, and I will be with you in the way ahead, no
matter what! Remember!”
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