Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Right Down To Trixie

his morning I was reminded of just how much God cares and provides for me.  The day started at 4:45, a full fifteen minutes before my alarm was scheduled to go off. I can’t tell you how annoying that is!  So, I just lay there for a few minutes until the alarm sounded and the day was officially underway.  Trixie, my cat, was already in the bathroom, staring at the sink, at the ready for her first drink of water.  Yes, she drinks out of the sink before she does anything else and that means before I do anything else, I have to make sure her majesty gets her water!

But this morning was just a bit unusual because Trixie had an appointment at the vet for her annual checkup.  So, as the time approached to wrestle her into her carrier, she became more and more elusive, hiding under the coffee table, behind the couch, or crouched in a kitchen chair hidden by the table.  I closed all the doors to the bedrooms and study and after 20 minutes of chasing her, I was finally able to get her into her carrier.

We arrived at the vet’s office and after a few moments, I signed the papers, and Trixie and I parted ways for the day.  As I drove to work, I couldn’t help but think how much that little cat had changed my life, and how much God has taught me, and continues to teach me, through my relationship with her.  She is a constant reminder of just how faithful God is to me.

Trixie doesn’t worry about food, water, shelter, and, even though she hates trips to the vet, she never has to worry that her health will be neglected.  All these things are no cause for worry to her because they are my responsibility. She is not expected to provide for herself; that is why she has me. If her food runs low, if she gets sick, if she needs water, whatever the situation, she knows that I will provide for her.

The Old Testament book of Genesis contains a wonderful story that speaks to this point.  It is found in Chapter 45, verses 10-11, “You shall live in the region of Goshen and be near me—you, your children and grandchildren, your flocks and herds, and all you have. I will provide for you there, because five years of famine are still to come. Otherwise you and your household and all who belong to you will become destitute.”

The speaker is Joseph, sold into slavery by his brothers, who has now become second to Pharaoh in Egypt.  He is sending a message to his father, Jacob, to come to Egypt where he can escape the terrible famine that has gripped the entire region.  Notice in Joseph’s message that Jacob is to bring with him his children, his grandchildren, his animals, essentially all that he has and Joseph will provide for all his needs.

This is just the way God works.  No need is too great, no burden too heavy, no request too small, that he cannot provide for it.  His resources are endless, his provision is constant, and his love for us is immeasurable.  This morning on the way to work, God reminded me that all I have comes from his hand, that he loves me, that he cares for me, and that he provides for all my needs, right down to Trixie.  What a wonderful God we serve!  

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