Thursday, October 15, 2015

On The Surface

ou never know when the Lord will teach you a lesson.  Most people believe God only speaks to them and teaches them about Himself when they have their Bible opened and are directly involved in study.  While I agree that the best place to encounter God is in the pages of His word, it is not the only means He uses to teach us profound lessons about Himself and the way He works in our lives.

During a phone conversation with a good friend I met in seminary, God showed me how any opportunity can be used to tell others about Jesus Christ.  I met Jennifer and her husband Mark at seminary and we became, and remain, very good friends.  We hadn’t spoken in quite some time so I picked up the phone and called their home.  Mark had already gone to work but Jennifer was still home.  We talked for almost fifteen minutes and during that time Jennifer said something that really made me think.

When I asked Jennifer what her plans for the day were, she told me of several appointments she had made.  She used the term “On the surface” to let me know that there was more going on in these appointments than just “girl talk”.  On the surface, Jennifer was meeting to help a lady with a project.  But Jennifer was also there to listen to this lady, to understand some things that are happening in her life, and to let God’s love flow through her to reach this lady.  On the surface, these two ladies were working on a project, but underneath much, much more was going on!

Jesus also had encounters with people that went far beyond the surface level. One of the best known of these encounters occurred at a well in the area of Samaria and involved a woman who had come to draw water.  The Scriptures tell us that Jesus was tired and thirsty and that he sat by the well to renew his strength.  When the woman came to draw water, Jesus asked her for a drink.  She was both surprised and shocked that Jesus would engage her in conversation. 

John 4:7 sets the scene for us as Jesus begins working both on and below the surface. “When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, "Will you give me a drink?"  The first thing we must understand is that Jesus met this woman where she was in life.  She had come to draw water and Jesus was thirsty. His request was legitimate; he wanted water.  The woman had water to offer but her life was missing the true water that only Jesus could give.

As their conversation continued, Jesus told this woman who he was, that he could offer her living water, and that she would never thirst again.  On the surface, it appeared that Jesus was just having a conversation with someone, requesting a cup of water to slake his thirst.  Actually, Jesus was working underneath the surface, sharing the gospel of salvation with her and meeting her true need in life.


oday we are surrounded by so many people.  We see them on the street, we see them at school, we meet them at the grocery store, and we work with them.  So many of our conversations seem to be on the surface but underneath there is a real opportunity to share with people about Christ.  Whatever you are doing today and wherever God sends you, be determined to work below the surface. That is where the need is, that is where the hurt is, and that is where the answer is as well!

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