Daily Tidbits
the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2
Date: Friday, March 20, 2015
Today's Title: Bread & Water
Today's Scripture: John 6:35
The Ten Commandments directed by Cecil B.
DeMille and starring Charlton Heston as Moses, is one of my all time favorite
movies. I have watched that film many
times over and every time I view it I see something I didn’t see before. There
are so many wonderful scenes and depictions in the film that have become famous
it seems impossible to pick only one to use for today’s devotional.
crossing of the Red Sea , the plagues on Egypt , the
conversation at the burning bush, the giving of the Ten Commandments, and the
walk out of Egypt
are all wonderfully portrayed by Mr. DeMille.
Any of these is enough to make the hair on the back of your neck stand
on end. However, there is one scene
which is not so popular, not so well known, but one I think teaches a great
lesson about following Christ.
After Ramses
(played by Yul Bryner) discovers that Moses is a Hebrew and not an Egyptian, he
bans him from Egypt ,
sending him into the desert to find his destiny. As they stand at the border of Egypt , Ramses
orders that Moses be given one day’s supply of bread and water and he commends
Moses to the God who has no name for safe keeping. It goes without saying that Ramses does not
believe in God and fully intends that Moses should die in the wilderness. Bread
and water rations are not the food of kings; they are the sustenance of
prisoners and outcasts!
There is great theology in this
one scene. In fact, the entire gospel
and its message of salvation are wonderfully depicted in these few moments of
film. Just like Heston’s character, we too are living in a world in which we do
not belong. For us, the world is a
desert, offering no shelter, no safety, and no comfort. Sometimes the hot winds blow furiously
against us and sometimes the loneliness is overwhelming.
If we were to stop here, we would
indeed grow very depressed and want to give up. Why go on in the face of such
overwhelming and daunting circumstances?
But we’re not finished yet!
Ramses gave Moses bread and water rations to sustain him across that
wilderness. Although that seemed far
less than adequate, he arrived safely in Median where he was able to restore
his strength. DeMIlle, I believe, took
great license here but he accurately depicted the way in which God helps us
cross the deserts of life and brings us to a place of safety, comfort, and
endless provision.
In John 6:35, Jesus makes the following statement about himself, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me
will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” Read that verse again and you will find that
our sustenance through life is bread and water.
Jesus knows that we can make it across this wilderness and arrive safely
home as long as we have a daily ration of bread and water.
There is only one catch! He alone must be our portion! Notice that Jesus calls himself the bread of
life. When he spoke to the woman at the
well (John 4:1-26) he promised to give her living water if she put her faith in
him. Throughout the scriptures we see
the elements of bread and water and how God used them to feed His people in the
desert. They ate manna during the entire
40-year march in the desert. God fed
Elijah with bread and water when he was tired.
And Jesus spoke of himself many times as the bread of life providing
nourishment and sustenance to all those who believe in him.
Today, we are walking across the
desert of life heading toward the land
of God ’s promise. We are not there yet; but on the way He is
with us. He will not abandon us in the
desert, He will not forget we need food and water, and He will never let us go
hungry or thirsty. Instead, He gives us a daily ration of bread and water which
is nothing less than His son, Jesus Christ.
Have you had your ration of bread
and water today?
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