Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2
Date: Friday, January 16, 2015
Today's Title: Go Back The Way You Came
Today's Scripture: 1 Kings 19:15-18
Today we take a look at a brief moment in the life of
Elijah. We find him in a cave hiding, fearing for his life because Jezebel has threatened to kill him. While in this cave, God speaks to Elijah and
teaches him a great truth. God is always
near and is always aware of Elijah’s circumstances. When God speaks, it is often in the tones of
a gentle whisper instead of mighty, supernatural acts. It is always God’s still small voice that
strengthens, reassures, and encourages all those who follow him.
After his
experience in the mouth of the cave, Elijah receives new instructions from God.
These instructions were difficult words for Elijah to hear and, I am sure,
caused some concern on his part. 1 Kings 19:15-18 records God’s plans
for Elijah as he prepared to leave the cave: “The LORD said to him, "Go
back the way you came, and go to the Desert
of Damascus . When you
get there, anoint Hazael king over Aram . Also, anoint Jehu son of
Nimshi king over Israel ,
and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet.
Jehu will put to death any who escape the sword of Hazael, and Elisha will put
to death any who escape the sword of Jehu.
Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel-all whose knees have not bowed
down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him."
Look at the very first sentence of this passage. Can’t you just imagine that Elijah’s mouth
dropped open! Had he heard the Lord
correctly? Perhaps, he was
mistaken. It seemed that the Lord had
just told him to go back and to go into the desert! Surely, the Lord didn’t mean that! Back there,
his life was in danger. Back there,
people wanted him dead. Back there, he
had no friends, no support, and no one he could count on. But God’s words were clear, “You will go back
Have you
ever been in this situation? You have
just experienced a wonderful display of God’s power in your life and you are
ready to move forward but God says, “Go back!”
Sometimes, that is the hardest thing to do. God is asking us to retrace our steps, to
walk over ground we have already covered and to buy the same piece of real
estate twice. This may mean staying on a
job when you are ready to move forward, it may mean going back to a place where
people reject you, or it may mean returning to a relationship which is painful. Whatever the situation, God asks us to return
to it, even though it may be a desert.
But there is
also great hope in this passage. Let’s
not leave Elijah standing in the cave, his mouth opened, wondering what has
happened to his world. God continues by
telling Elijah to anoint two new kings and a new prophet. Although Elijah will return by the same road,
he will not be the same man. The message
he carries and his life’s purpose have both changed. God is at work and Elijah is now part of that
You see,
Elijah felt he was all alone, that he was the only one left to do battle for
God. Yet, the Lord tells him very
plainly that Jehu and Hazael, whom Elijah will anoint as kings, and Elisha, who
will succeed Elijah as prophet, and seven thousand others have not bowed the
knee to the pagan God Baal. Elijah is
not alone and as he leaves the cave, everything has changed! Notice
that Elijah took the same way back but he did not go back the same way he came. Think about that for a moment. The
road was the same; the man was not!!
Today you
may be identifying with Elijah. God has
asked you to go back the way you came, back to the desert, back to a dry and
lifeless place. But God does not intend
for you to go alone. Although you walk a
familiar path, your message and purpose are new and fresh. God is at work ahead of you. He knows where you are going and He knows the
best way to get you there. The road may
be the same, the people around you may not change, and your present
circumstances may seem dry and hopeless.
Rest assured and take courage my friend. God never gives us an assignment, no matter
how difficult or challenging, but that He gives us His own divine presence for
comfort and His own strength for the journey.
Go back down that same road confident that God goes with you. Sometimes the greatest blessings in life come
when God tells us, “Go back the way you
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