Thursday, July 8, 2021

I'm Right Here Beside You



he events of the last 48 hours had been very grueling.  On June 11, 1975, my parents’ 14th wedding anniversary, they had taken me to Duke University Medical Center for open-heart surgery.  The doctors performed the operation on June 12th and on June 13th I was in a regular room; but things were far from regular!  


We had hoped for a mother-child room because my mom was determined to stay with me just to make sure I was OK.  You know how moms are about their kids and thank goodness they are.  Anyway, the hospital was stopper full on the day of my admission and things had not improved when I was discharged from the Intensive Care ward to a semi-private room.  Although there was no cot for her to sleep on, my mother insisted on remaining with me that first night. 


She slept in a chair diagonal to my bed, and I knew she was not very comfortable.  Even though I am a heavy sleeper, I woke up several times during the night and each time I opened my eyes, hers were fixed on me, watching me, noticing every move I made and listening to every breath I took.  Each time I looked at her, she asked if I was all right and just smiled at me.  


The very sight of her near my bed brought an overwhelming sense of comfort to me and I drifted right back to sleep.  I awoke several times during the night and each time the same thing happened.  She just smiled at me, assured me she was there with me, and I drifted back to sleep.  I cannot explain to you how that made me feel but I do know that her presence there made everything all right and I wasn’t worried about anything.  Sore, yes, worried, no! 


Just before his arrest and crucifixion, Jesus shared a wonderful but difficult truth for his disciples to accept.  He explained to them that the time had come for him to leave them.  They were distraught and wanted to go with him, but Jesus told them they could not follow where he was going.  However, he did promise that he would not leave them without hop. or comfort.  He promised he would send another comforter who would be with them forever. 


In John 13:15 we read this promise, “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever…”  Our Lord knew following him would not be easy and he fully understood that his disciples, and we, would find it difficult and sometimes disheartening to walk the Christian way.  So, Jesus promised he would send us another comforter who would be with us in all our trials, all our heartaches, all our disappointments, and all our pain.  He promised this comforter would always be with us and that he would never leave us. 


We know this comforter as the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity.  It is this same Holy Spirit that Jesus promised who provides us comfort and who reveals the truths of God’s word to us.  In moments when we are frightened, unsure, lonely, or tired, we simply look into God’s word, and we find the Spirit waiting for us there with the assurance that he is right beside us.  He is watching over us constantly and is fully aware of everything we are facing as we walk daily with the Lord. 


Today, I want to encourage you with these words from John’s gospel.  Wherever you are in your walk with the Lord, please know that he as provided a comforter for you, a comforter who will provide assurance and strength just when you need it most.  If you listen very close you can hear him whisper in your ear, “I’m right here beside you!  I will never leave you! You have nothing to fear! 

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