Monday, March 16, 2015

The Same Dollar Back

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Monday, March 16, 2015 
Today's Title: The Same Dollar Back  
Today's Scripture: Matthew 14:17-18  

Ah, the lessons of childhood!  Some are fun, some are painful, and some are just plain confusing—that’s just the way it is.  All lessons we learn as children seemingly fall into one of these three categories.  Personally, my lessons were either painful or confusing.  Precious few of them were actually fun.  What can I say? I was just a normal little boy, with normal little boy tendencies, which means I wanted things my own way and on my own terms!  Sound familiar?

Now, one of the most confusing lessons I learned was saving money.  I understood that keeping my money was important.  After all, it was mine and nobody else was going to get their hands on it.  My dad, however, had something else in mind. He spoke with me about opening up a savings account at one of our local banks and I listened with eager ears.  The idea sounded great and it was so simple.  We would go to the bank, I would give them my $10, and they would hold it for me until I decided to spend it.  They would even add money to it if I left it with them for a long time.

Man, this was great!  I was so excited to learn there were people who wanted to help me take care of my money.  Dad and I went to the bank together.  It was a huge place and he had to pick me up so I could see the nice lady behind the counter.  I gave her my $10 and she gave me a little book.  Curious as to what was about to happen to my money; I asked where she would put my cash.  I believed they had a drawer with my name on it and that‘s where they put my money.  I was firmly convinced that I would receive the exact same $10 bill when I returned to make a withdrawal.  But that wasn't the way things worked!!  My dad explained that the bank would take my money and help other people with it.  It would be used to build houses, buy cars, pay bills, start businesses, and all sorts of different things.  Reluctantly, I relinquished my death grip on that $10 and opened my first savings account.

There is a story in the Matthew’s gospel of another little boy who was asked to relinquish what he had in order to help others.  Having been a little boy myself, I can fully understand how this little guy might have felt.  Little did he know that he held the key to touching the lives of so many people.  He was simply carrying his own lunch that his mother had prepared for him earlier that day.  What happened next was nothing short of a miracle.

In Matthew 14:17-18 we read, "We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish," they answered. "Bring them here to me," he said.” The disciples were faced with the impossible task of providing food for over 5,000 people.  They had no food, they had no money, and they had no idea how to take care of the people following Jesus.  Dumbfounded, they found a little boy carrying five loaves and two fish.  That was it!! Nothing more and nothing less! The provisions were so inadequate!  It’s sort of like showing up to a bank to open a savings account with only $10, isn't it?

Jesus, however, had a different idea.  Notice his words, “Bring them here to me.”  That is the great secret in a nutshell.  Jesus simply asked this little boy to give what he had and the little boy did.  He didn't fret over receiving the exact same fish in return; and he didn't concern himself with holding on to those five loaves of bread.  Instead, he turned loose of what he had so Jesus could use it to bless the other people in the group that day.

This is exactly what Jesus asks of his followers today.  Our resources are always inadequate; never measuring up to the task God has set before us.  That is just the way God means for it to be.  When we realize our resources are always limited and insufficient, we come to understand that we must depend on our Heavenly Father for everything.  Jesus always takes what we have and he uses it to bless so many people in ways we never dreamed possible.  Our job is not to understand how God works; our job is to be available as He works.

Whatever God has given you, don’t hold on to it.  Give your talents to Him, give your time to Him, give your job to Him, give your family to Him, give your dreams to Him, and give your life to Him.  You will be amazed at how much God will use what you give to bless other people.  In the process, you will be blessed beyond measure, knowing that God has used you to share the gospel of Christ to thousands of people who might not have heard it otherwise. 

One thing is certain; God will never put what you give Him in a drawer until you are ready to make a withdrawal.  He will use it—all of it—to further His kingdom.  So, what are you waiting for?  Bring what you have, no matter how small, to God.  He’s just waiting to take what you have and use it for His glory.  If you listen very carefully you can hear Him saying to you, ‘Bring them here to me!”  Why don’t you open that account today?

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