Tuesday, July 5, 2022

All She Had To Live On


ach month I perform the same task.  I sit down in front of my computer, open my banking program, and begin the long, arduous, and depressing task of paying my bills for the month ahead. The university pays me on a monthly basis so once I have entered the amount of my paycheck and deducted all the bills and obligations for the month; I am left with a small balance.  I figure if the Lord can divide 5 loaves and 2 fish among 5000 people, He can take what is left over, divide it by 30, and make sure all my needs are met.  He has never disappointed me.

I sit back and stare at the remaining balance for a few minutes and realize that is all I have to live on for the coming month and I realize I need to make good decisions on how that money will be spent.  I am sure you can identify with me as you navigate the treacherous waters of your own monthly bills.  But isn’t it amazing how God always provides just what we need, when we need it?  He is always on time and is always faithful, making sure all our needs are met.

In his gospel, Luke records the story of a woman who also had budgetary challenges.  Now we don’t know her monthly income, we aren’t party to her financial obligations, but we are, like the disciples who were with Jesus on that day, witnesses to the decision she made concerning her livelihood.

In Luke 21:4 we read these few words: “All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” The scene was very familiar; people were placing offerings for the temple into a large coffer.  As they passed by they placed their coins into the receptacle.  Some put in much, some put little, but this woman put in everything she had.

This story has been the subject of many sermons, Sunday school lessons, and Bible studies.  She has been held up as the prime example of giving to God and we have all been encouraged to give just a little bit more of our money to further God’s work.  But let’s take a look at the last few words of this passage.  Notice the passage says this woman did two incredible things.  First, she gave out of her poverty; not out of her wealth.  This is the exact opposite of what is customary.  We usually sit down and write our tithe based on our incoming funds.  This woman, however, had nothing coming in; she had everything going out.

Second, Jesus makes it clear that she had nothing else to live on.  She gave all that she had to live on which means that from the moment the coins entered the coffer, she was totally and utterly dependent on God to provide for her.  She had no savings, no money left over after bills, no hidden stash of cash.  All she had, all her buying power, all her clothing, all her groceries, all her shelter, all her financial obligations, were contained in that small offering.  In essence, she trusted God to divide nothing by the remainder of her days and to provide all her needs.  You know what, I have a feeling God did exactly that.

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