Friday, May 6, 2022

Just Keep Looking


 know it’s here somewhere, it’s has to be!”  These were the words I kept repeating over and over to myself one Saturday morning as I sat in the barbershop waiting for my turn on the chopping block.  I was thumbing through a children’s magazine and became enthralled with a section containing an artist’s drawing of a particular scene.  What made the drawing so fascinating was that cleverly drawn into the picture were approximately a dozen items that were hidden.  The opposite page listed the hidden items and included a picture of each one so the reader would know what to look for.

I had successfully located eleven of the twelve items but the last one was eluding me.  I honestly could not find it, no matter where I looked and no matter the angle at which I held the magazine.  Each time I thought I had located the missing picture; it turned out to be part of the background.  My imagination, as well as my eyes, played tricks on me, leading me to believe there was something where there wasn’t’ and nothing where something definitely was.

The time was rapidly approaching for me to have my haircut but I didn’t want to leave that picture.  I was determined that no kid’s magazine was going to get the best of me.  I doubled my efforts and began searching more diligently, looking over every inch of that magazine, turning it every way but loose.  Finally, just before utter frustration set in, I found the image.  I had looked at that very spot several times, I just hadn’t noticed the special way the artists had placed the image in the picture.  With a great sense of satisfaction, I closed the magazine, went to the back of the shop, and received a nice haircut.

We are all familiar with this process, aren’t we?  We lose our keys, we lay aside our ink pen, we put down a book for just a minute, and then it’s gone.  We know it’s there somewhere; we just have to find it.  We become very determined, tearing up every part of the house or car until we find it.  Usually, it’s right there under our noses, we just didn’t see it because we weren’t looking for it!

We can also apply this situation to our daily walk with God.  The writer of Hebrews addresses this idea of searching for God in chapter 11.  This chapter is famous because it speaks about the role of faith in the Christian life.  The opening of the chapter contains a list of some the great heroes of our faith.  But not very far into the chapter, we find a profound statement, one that hits us right between the eyes and causes us to stop and consider its truth.

In Hebrews 11:6 we read the following statement, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”  Read that once again, very carefully.  We often quote the first part of the passage to the exclusion of the second part.  We all know that we must have faith in God in order to have a relationship with Him.  We must believe in His existence to claim to be His children.  But look at what the last part of the verse says.  In order to receive anything from God, we must diligently seek Him!!!

Don’t take that word, diligently, too lightly.  Remember your search for your lost keys or my search for that hidden picture.  I was determined not to relinquish my death-grip on that magazine until I found that last image.  This is exactly what the writer means here!  We are to seek after God with full vigor, determined to find Him no matter what the cost, no matter how long it takes, and no matter from what angle we have to approach Him.  God promises us He will be found but only if we search for Him—diligently!

Far too often we pay lip service to God.  We believe in Him and affirm this to our friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family.  But when was the last time we wrestled in prayer, seeking His face?  When was the last time we poured over the Scriptures looking for more of our Heavenly Father?  He is there among the words.  His truth is embedded in the pages of our Bible.  He is waiting for us to open it and to diligently seek His face in everything and at all times. Are you earnestly, diligently, consistently seeking Him today? 

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