Sunday, October 31, 2021

A Hole in the Ceiling



he joys of home ownership never cease!!!  Several years ago, just as the sun was setting, I stepped into my guest bedroom to close the blinds and turn on the lamps.  I normally do this in the evening as I relax from the day’s work and prepare for the day yet to come.  But when I entered the bedroom, I suddenly realized that this evening would be just a bit different. 


As I looked at the ceiling, I noticed two tracks of water running down the wall.  Upon closer inspection, I could see the plaster above the window was bulging and water was dripping down onto the window seal.  There was no water stain on the ceiling itself but undoubtedly, the air conditioning drain line was the source of the trouble.  I immediately called the service company and they sent someone right out to look at the problem. 


The technician cleaned out the line but could not locate the source of the leak.  Two days later, the same scenario played out in my guest bedroom and once again I called the service company.  After the third visit, we isolated the problem.  The third technician took a saw and cut a hole in the ceiling exposing the drain line.  The drain line was not connected at the joint and water was freely flowing from the air conditioning unit.  We also discovered that a vital component was missing from the unit’s drain assembly and the technician ordered the part to repair it. 


The hole was repaired, and the ceiling restored to like-new condition.  It wasn’t the first time a hole had been cut into a ceiling and I dare say it won’t be the last. I just hope that it is the last time a hole is cut in my ceiling. 


There is a story in Mark’s gospel about a hole in the ceiling.  This hole was also made in order that repairs could be done.  The repair, however, was for the home; it was for a man who was paralyzed, a man much in need of repair and so his friends brought him to Jesus. 


In Mark 2:3-5 we read the following, Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them.  Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on.  When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” 


There are six people in this story: Jesus, the paralytic, and the four friends who carried him. Notice that the story hinges on the compassion and the concern these four men had for their friend.  The man could not walk so they carried him, bed and all, to Jesus.  Then when they arrived at the house, they were unable to enter so they climbed, bed and all, on top of the house.  They proceeded to dig a hole in the roof and then let their friend down to where Jesus could see him.  That’s when Jesus responded to this man’s need.  Notice, however, the scripture says that Jesus healed the man based on his faith and the faith of his friends. 


How true this is. What blessing true friends are and how thankful we should be to God for them.  These men had one goal in mind: to make sure their friend saw Jesus, no matter what!  Do you have a friend such as this?  Has God blessed you with someone who has your best interest at heart, someone who will pray for you and stick with you no matter the circumstance until God meets your need? If so, thank God for them and let them know how much of a blessing they are to you today.  

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