Monday, May 4, 2020

Make Your Bed

ne day, I was watching my mom as she cleaned the house.  We were in her bedroom and she was making the bed.  Intrigued, I asked her to teach me how to make the bed.  Little did I know that I would soon inherit this responsibility for my own room.  At the time, it seemed like the grown-up thing to do.  I wanted to learn to make the bed, so, she taught me.  From that moment on, making my bed became my responsibility and it had to be done every morning, no excuses!  The novelty of making my own bed soon wore off as the reality that this was expected of me settled in!   

To this day, I still make my bed every morning.  Ok, Ok, almost every morning.  I hope my mom is proud of me for listening to at least one thing she tried to instill in me those many years ago. I'm still working on keeping the space beneath my bed from becoming permanent storage.  Sorry Mom, I AM trying!!  Some lessons just take a little longer to learn!!  

Today's scripture comes from one of my favorite Psalms.  In this popular psalm, David speaks of God's presence and his care for his children.  David, of all biblical characters, knew what it was like to have a close relationship with God.  He understood and enjoyed an intimacy with God that is rare among believers.  It's not that this relationship is impossible, it's just that few of us actually pursue God to the same extent that David did. 

In Psalm 139:8 David writes, "If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there." Why, you may ask, did I choose this particular verse?  Why not address other, more positive ideas present in this psalm?  I chose this verse because I believe it makes one of the most assuring and positive claims in scripture. 
I have had many opportunities to make my bed in different places in the world.  I have made my bed in Australia.  I have made my bed in New Mexico, in Texas, in North Carolina, in Georgia, and several other states.  For two years I made my bed in France and I have also made it in Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland. On several occasions, I have made my bed in hospitals as a patient and every time, I have found David's statement to be true. There has been no place I have visited where God was not.  

While living in France, God was there.  He provided shelter, food, clothing, and medical attention when I needed it.  He traveled with me to Italy when I made my bed in Rome and spoke to me of the cost of being a disciple as I visited the great Coliseum.  In Germany, I slept in the city of Munich and visited the concentration camp at Dachau, and God was there. 

Wherever I have made my bed, wherever I have lived, wherever I have visited, God's presence has been with me.  He has never abandoned me and he never will.  When David spoke of making his bed in hell, he did so to demonstrate that even in the most remote places and in the most adverse circumstances, God is there.  He knows where I am, he sees what I am doing, he is aware of my needs. 

No matter what the circumstances, no matter what the difficulties, no matter what the assignment, God bids me to make my bed in his presence and to sleep there in peace.  David, who penned the words found in our lesson today, also wrote these words in Psalm 4:8, "I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."  This morning as you start your daily routine, remember to make your bed.  No matter where that is, God is there, watching over you, keeping you, guiding you, remembering you, and loving you today!!

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