Thursday, April 14, 2016


efore we begin today's tidbit, you need to read the following verse of scripture: "She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he had to say." (Luke 10:39)

Martha was a real go-getter. Everyone loved to come to Martha's home because she always served the best food, invited the most interesting people, and always kept an immaculate home. She was one of those people who always made sure everything, every detail, was done to perfection. She and her sister Mary were very close and shared everything together. Martha never entertained without Mary's help and advice on what to serve and what dishes and accouterments should be used.

But today was different! Not only were there several guests who had come for dinner, but Jesus was here. Why of all days, when everything needed to be perfect, would Mary abandon her? The table needed setting, the napkins needed folding, the bread needed to be taken from the oven, and the list went on and on. All the while, where was Mary? She was sitting in the living room talking. Of all the nerve! Just when Martha needed her most, she decided to take the day off!!

Sound familiar? It would be comical if only it weren't so true of every-day life. Let's face it; we all have more than our fair share of Martha in us. We worry constantly about the little details of life for fear of what others will say or think about us. Constantly working, constantly busy, constantly frustrated, but rarely at peace. And just when we can't take any more we lash out at those who are closest to us.

Jesus' reaction to Martha, done in love, was a stinging reproach nonetheless. While Martha was worried about so many things, Mary had chosen the one thing she needed and Jesus said it would not be taken from her. It is my prayer for you today that you will choose the things God has for you. Remember to take time, sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to him. What you learn from him will not be taken from you. Remember what the psalmist wrote: Be STILL and KNOW that I am God! 

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