Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I'm Scared!

Carp's Daily Tidbits
"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits." Psalm 103:2

Date: Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Today's Title: I’m Scared!
Today's Scripture: 2 Kings 6:16

Dear Tidbitters,

The voice was very soft, but even in a deep, sound sleep I could hear someone calling my name.  Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking me awake and that same soft voice called my name again.  I woke up and saw my little sister, Heather, standing beside my bed.  I quickly glanced at the clock and noticed it was 3:00 a.m., far too early for this kid, or anybody for that matter, to be awake.
I asked Heather if she were sick, and she said no.  I asked her if she were cold, and she said no.  Then I asked the million dollar question.  I wanted to know if she were scared and she said yes. She had had a bad dream and decided she would be safer with me. So, she got out of bed, came to my room, walked over to my bed, and woke me up.  She wanted to know if I would lie down with her while she went back to sleep.  Although I was barely awake myself, there was no way I was going to send this little girl back to her bed to face alone all those things that go bump in the night.

I threw back the covers, took her by the hand, got her something to drink from the kitchen, went to her room and lay on her bed while she went to sleep.  It didn't take long until she was in a deep, sound sleep, curled up against me.  I listened to her breathe as she lay there sleeping.  She was completely relaxed, secure in the knowledge that her big brother would keep anything from harming her during the night.  With me there, she didn't worry about anything at all; she slept through the rest of the night.

All of us have been in Heather’s place at one time or another.  During the darkest part of the night, we have a bad dream, the phone rings unexpectedly, or we hear something that calls us to immediate attention, nerves on edge, with a thousand thoughts racing through our heads.  We can’t go back to sleep and it seems that every shadow and every noise indicates something is lurking in the darkness, waiting to take us hostage.  We have an overwhelming sense that we are surrounded and that there is no way out.

This was exactly the feeling experienced by Elisha’s servant.  The King of Aram was at war with Israel and Elisha (referred to as the man of God), through divine guidance, informed Israel’s king of all the places where Aram’s king was planning to ambush him.  The King of Aram was frustrated and sent soldiers to find and capture Elisha.  The prophet was in the city of Dothan and during the night soldiers from Aram surrounded it.

The next morning, Elisha’s servant went out and saw all those soldiers and chariots.  I imagine he pinched himself and found out he was awake. This was no dream, it was a waking nightmare!  The man told Elisha about the soldiers.  Essentially, he told the prophet he was scared, that he didn't know what to do, and could Elisha do something about it.

Elisha opened his mouth and said, “Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”  (2 Kings 2:16) This man probably thought Elisha was nuts!!  All he saw were those soldiers surrounding the city.  He saw no allies, he saw no cavalry rushing to his assistance, and there was seemingly no one to help.  Where did Elisha get this idea that an army was ready to take up arms and fight on their behalf?

That’s when Elisha prayed and asked God to open the young man’s eyes.  God answered Elisha’s prayer and the young man saw Aram’s army completely surrounded by horses and chariots of fire.  Elisha knew that God was his protection in all the circumstances of life.  He knew that God always takes care of His own, especially during the dark moments of life.  When his immediate circumstances looked hopeless, the hills all around him were filled with the mighty hosts of heaven.

Today, I want you to take encouragement from Elisha’s response.  It may be you are going through a very difficult time.  It may be that all around you seems hopeless and lost or you may feel you are completely surrounded with no one to help.  Like my sister, you are afraid of things lurking in the dark and don’t know if you can have peace.  Rest assured; you can!  At moments like this, we need to call on God’s name and ask Him to help us.  We need to let Him take us by the hand and provide comfort and shelter in times of trouble. 

When He comes along side us, we are at peace because nothing can harm us as long as we are in His presence.  God’s provision, His faithfulness, and His watchful eye are the same for us today as they were for Elisha.  There is no situation too desperate or too threatening for our God.  He is always in full control and, even when we don’t see evidence of His presence, He is there.  The hills around you are completely filled with God’s protection.  Walk confidently with Him along the pathway of life today.  You won’t have to be scared ever again.


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